台灣賓士股份有限公司 (Mercedes-Benz Taiwan)
地址:105台北市松山區民生東路三段 129 號 13 樓
董事會成員:劉禹策、顏健生、沈秀明、Hubertus Troska、Peter Schymon、Olaf Schick、Eberhard Kern、Jan Madeja、陳長
Mercedes-Benz Taiwan- 首頁
Mercedes-Benz 隱私權中心 供應商
Mercedes-Benz AG
Address:Mercedesstraße 120
70372 Stuttgart
電話: +49 711 17 - 0
Mercedes-Benz 隱私權中心 供應商
Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedesstraße 120
70372 Stuttgart
電話: +49 711 17 - 0
Mercedes-Benz AG 集團資料保護長
Mercedes-Benz Group AG
Chief Officer Corporate Data Protection
HPC W079
D-70546 Stuttgart
e-mail: data.protection@mercedes-benz.com
台灣賓士股份有限公司 (Mercedes-Benz Taiwan)、Mercedes-Benz AG 集團股份有限公司 (Mercedes-Benz AG) 和 Mercedes-Benz AG 資融集團股份有限公司 (Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG) 於此網站上共享分析和行銷活動的隱私聲明
Privacy Statement on shared analysis and marketing activities on this specific Mercedes-Benz website by Mercedes-Benz Taiwan (MOC); Mercedes-Benz AG (MBAG) and Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG (MBM)
本隱私聲明說明上述三間公司為該網站上進行共享分析和行銷活動之目的,將如何處理您的個人資料。保護您的個人資料是我們隱私聲明中最重要的部分,並將納入所有業務流程中一併考量。 本隱私聲明提供與下述分析和行銷活動相關您的個人資料處理的詳細介紹。根據歐盟一般資料保護規則 (GDPR),「個人資料」係指有關識別或可得識別自然人之任何資訊。 您可以找到依據 GDPR 處理您的個人資料,而您因此享有的權利資訊。
This privacy statement describes how the three entities listed above process your personal data for the purpose of shared analysis and marketing activities on this specific website. Protecting your personal data is a high priority for all parties of this privacy statement, and is taken into account for all business processes. This privacy statement provides you with a detailed summary regarding the processing of your personal data in relation to the analysis and marketing activities mentioned below.
Mercedes-Benz AG 集團處理歐盟和歐洲經濟區內或與個人相關的個人資料的方式均基於 Mercedes-Benz 集團歐盟資料保護政策 (https://group.mercedes-benz.com/ 資料保護政策)。
"Personal data", according to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR), means all information that relates to a natural person who has been or can be identified. You will also find information what rights you are entitled to regarding the processing of your personal data according to the GDPR.
The way Mercedes-Benz entities process personal data within, or related to individuals within, the European Union and European Economic Area is always based on the Mercedes-Benz Group Data Protection Policy EU (https://group.mercedes-benz.com/data-protection-policy).
1. 誰負責處理我的個人資料及資料保護相關問題我可以聯繫誰?
Who is responsible for processing my personal data, and whom can I contact on the topic of data protection?
The (joint) controllers responsible for processing your personal data for shared analysis and marketing activities on this
specific website are:
Email: csm_crm@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz Taiwan
13 F., No. 129, Mingsheng E. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei 105, Taiwan, R.O.C
E-mail: csm_crm@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz AG (Mercedes-Benz AG)
Mercedesstr. 120
70372 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: dialog.mb@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedesstr. 120
70372 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: dialog.mb@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG (Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG)
Siemensstr. 7
70469 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: mbm@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG
Siemensstr. 7
70469 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: mbm@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz AG 及 Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG 資料保護負責人:
Data protection officer for MBAG and MBM:
Mercedes-Benz AG 集團資料保護長
HPC E600
D-70546 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: data.protection@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz Group AG Group Data Protection Officer
HPC E600
D-70546 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: data.protection@mercedes-benz.com
台灣賓士、Mercedes-Benz AG 及 Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG 已依 GDPR 第 26 條達成共同控管協議 (joint controllership agreements)。 欲了解更多訊息,請參閱下表。
MOC and MBAG as well as MBAG and MBM have concluded joint controllership agreements according to Art. 26 GDPR. For more information, please see the table below.
2. 我的資料從哪裡來及那些資料已經被處理?
Where does my data come from and what data is processed?
每當您訪問此網站時,如果您同意,以下類別的資料將被儲存並與 Mercedes-Benz AG 及 Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG 共享:
Whenever you visit this specific website and if you have consented the following categories of data are stored and shared with MBAG and MBM:
a. 服務器日誌文件:有關您正在使用的瀏覽器、操作系統和 IP 位置(僅非常短期)的某些資訊; 您訪問的日期和時間; 互動狀態(例如您是否能夠訪問網站或收到錯誤訊息)
Server-Logfiles: Certain information about the browser, operating system and IP address (only very short-term) you are using; the date and time of your visit; the status of the interaction (e.g. whether you were able to access the website or received an error messages)
b. 點擊資料:您對網站及其功能的使用; 您輸入的任何搜尋詞句; 您訪問該網站的頻率及您訪問該網站的活動
Clickstream Data: Your usage of the website and its features; any search phrases you entered; how often you visit the website and the campaign from which you accessed this specific website
c. 在線識別功能:您的 Cookie ID、Web 客戶端或/和 App ID
Online identification features: Your Cookie ID, Web Client or/and App ID
d. 地理位置資料:您訪問該網站時所在國家和城市(源自 IP 地址)
Geo-location data: The country and the city from where you accessed our website (derived from the IP address)
e. 付款訊息:您在此網站上購買商品時使用的付款方式
Payment information: Payment method you used while purchasing something on this specific website
MOC processes that data about your visit on this specific website together with the other controllers depending on your consent- using the following technologies:
• 出於分析目的:
For analysis purposes:
- Google Analytics 360
• 出於行銷目的:
For marketing purposes:
- Salesforce Interaction Studio
- Salesforce Audience Studio
- Adobe Target
3. 您的個人資料是以何種目的和法律依據進行處理的?
For what purpose and on what legal basis is your personal data processed?
The personal data collected during your visit on this website is used for conducting personalization and targeted advertising measures. Moreover, the website usage behavior is analyzed to improve website usability and enhance digital products and campaigns. In addition, that data is used for statistical reports.
在共同控管範圍內,您的個人資料之處理是基於您依 GDPR 第 6 條第 1 款(a)所作之同意。您可以選擇是否同意,並可以通過此網站的同意管理平台隨時撤回您的同意。撤回前的資料處理的合法性並不受撤回的影響。
Within the scope of the joint controllership, your personal data is processed based on your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Your consent is optional and may be withdrawn at any time through the Consent Management Platform of this specific website. The lawfulness of data processing before such withdrawal remains unaffected by the withdrawal.
4. 我的資料會被傳送到第三個國家嗎?
Will my data be sent to a third country?
When passing on data to third parties based on your consent, personal data may be provided from within the European Union ("EU") or the European Economic Area (“EEA”) to recipients in countries outside the EU or EEA, i. e., in a so-called third country.
從歐洲經濟區角度來看,在某些第三個國家,具有符合歐盟標準的個人資料保護層級(所謂的「適當性」)存在。對於第三個國家的接收者,Mercedes-Benz AG 及 Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG 同意使用歐盟標準協議、具約束力的企業規則或其他適用的工具來滿足法律要求的「適當保護層級」。如需更多訊息,請聯繫其中一個控管者。
In some third countries, from the EEA's point of view, an adequate level of personal data protection (so-called "adequacy") exists, in compliance with EU standards. With recipients in third countries, MBAG and MBM agree on the use of EU standard contractual clauses, binding corporate rules or other applicable instruments to create an "adequate level of protection" according to legal requirements. For more information, please contact one of the controllers.
5. 我的資料將被儲存多久?
How long will my data be stored?
您的個人資料將被儲存直到蒐集和處理資料的目的實現為止。 在此之後,資料儲存僅在歐洲經濟區或第三國的適用法律、法規或其他法律規定所必需的範圍內進行,前提是這些國家/地區具有適當的資料保護層級。如果必須在此基礎上保留個人資料,則會標記相關個人資料以限制進一步處理。
Your personal data will be stored until the purpose for which it was collected and processed has been fulfilled. Beyond this period, data storage only takes place to the extent made necessary by applicable legislation, regulations or other legal provisions in the European Economic Area or in third countries if these have an adequate level of data protection. If personal data must be retained on such basis, the relevant personal data are flagged to restrict their further processing.
6. 根據 GDPR,我擁有哪些權利?
What rights do I have under GDPR?
根據 GDPR,您在個人資料處理方面擁有某些權利,我們非常重視讓您了解這些權利:
According to GDPR, you have certain rights regarding the processing of your personal data. Making you aware of these rights is very important to Mercedes-Benz:
a. 查閱權:您可以要求查閱我們處理的您的個人資料(GDPR 第 15 條)。
Right of access: You can request access to your personal data processed by us (Art. 15 GDPR).
b. 更正權:如果您的個人資料有誤,您有權請求更正(GDPR 第 16 條)。
Right to correction of inaccurate data: You have a right to request correction of your personal data, in case it is inaccurate (Art. 16 GDPR).
c. 刪除權:如果您的個人資料不再需要用於原蒐集或處理目的,或者因為違法處理、正當理由反對、撤回同意或有法定義務刪除,您有權請求刪除您的個人資料(GDPR 第 17 條)。
Right to deletion: You have the right to request deletion of your personal data. The criteria allow you to request the deletion of your personal data if, for example, it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed. You can also demand the deletion of your personal data if it is unlawfully processed, or if you have rightfully objected to the processing of your data, revoked your consent to the same or there is a legal obligation to delete it (Art. 17 GDPR).
d. 處理限制權:您有權要求限制您的資料處理。如果您對個人資料的準確性提出異議,或者在使用刪除權時,要求限制處理而非刪除,本權利尤其適用於審查期間。此外,如果該資料不再需要用於法律目的,但您仍需要該資料來主張、行使或捍衛權利,以及如果成功主張反對權利與台灣賓士、Mercedes-Benz AG 及 Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG 間存在爭議,將進行限制處理(GDPR 第 18 條)。
Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to demand a restriction of the processing of your data. This right especially applies for the duration of the review if you have disputed the accuracy of your personal data, as well as in the case that, for an existing right to deletion, you request restricted processing instead of erasure. Furthermore, there will be restricted processing if the data is no longer required for legitimate purposes, but you still need the data in order to assert, exercise or defend legal rights, as well as if the successful assertion of an objection is in dispute between you and MOC, MBAG and/or MBM (Art. 18 GDPR).
e. 資料可攜權:您有權以結構化、常規、機讀格式接收您提供的個人資料(GDPR 第 20 條),前提是該資料尚未被刪除。
Right to data portability: You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided in a structured, common, machine-readable format (Art. 20 GDPR), insofar as the data has not been deleted already.
f. 向監管機構申訴的權利:如果您認為您的資料處理不符合 GDPR 規範,您有權向歐盟成員國的監管機構提出申訴,例如負責您居住地、工作場所或涉嫌違反資料保護地的資料保護監管機構(GDPR 第 77 條)。
Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: If you feel that processing of your data is not in line with the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in an EU member state, e.g., a data protection agency responsible for your place of residence, workplace or location where the alleged data protection violation occurred (Art. 77 GDPR).
If you wish to assert one of your rights or receive more information, please contact the one of the controllers stated above.
附件:共同控管相關資訊 -在獲得同意的情況下,在此Mercedes-Benz網站上進行行銷和分析領域的資料共享。
Appendix - Details of joint controllership - Data sharing in the field of marketing and analysis on this Mercedes-Benz website in the event of given consent
1. 控管者 Controller
台灣台北市松山區民生東路三段 129 號 13 樓
E-mail: csm_crm@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz Taiwan
13 F., No. 129, Mingsheng E. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei 105, Taiwan, R.O.C
E-mail: csm_crm@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz AG 集團股份有限公司
Mercedesstr. 120
70372 Stuttgart
E-mail: dialog.mb@mercedes-benz.com
(Mercedes-Benz AG)
Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedesstr. 120
70372 Stuttgart
E-mail: dialog.mb@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz AG 資融集團股份有限公司
Siemensstr. 7
70469 Stuttgart
E-mail: mbm@mercedes-benz.com
(Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG)
Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG
Siemensstr. 7
70469 Stuttgart
E-mail: mbm@mercedes-benz.com
2. 共同控管之目的 Purpose of joint processing
在獲得同意的情況下,在 Mercedes-Benz 網站上分享和進一步處理行銷和分析領域的個人資料的目的是採取分析措施來識別網站用戶行為,提高網站用戶友好性並改進數位產品和活動。 此外,目的是提供 Mercedes-Benz 內部市場和目標達成報告,例如生成潛在客戶、(重新)定位和個人化措施。
Purpose of joint processing The purpose of the sharing and further processing of personal data in the field of marketing and analysis on this Mercedes-Benz website in the event of given consent is to carry out analysis measures to recognize website user behavior, to improve the user-friendliness of the websites and to improve digital products and campaigns. In addition, the purpose is to provide Mercedes-Benz-internal market and target achievement reports, such as generated leads, (re-)targeting and personalization measures.
3. 處理資料的法律基礎 Legal Basis of the processing of personal data
如果資料主體已經同意將其個人資料共同處理用於一個或多個特定目的,則該處理的合法基礎是 GDPR 第 6 條第 1(a) 款。
Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR, insofar as the data subjects have given their consent to the joint processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes.
4. 責任 Responsibilities
a. 資料義務 Information obligations:
作為控管者,台灣賓士和 Mercedes-Benz AG 有義務根據 GDPR 第 13 條和第 14 條向資料主體提供有關處理的訊息,包括個人資料處理目的和法律基礎、個人資料接收者、處理的持續時間及傳輸到第三個國家的情況等。控管者相互支援以履行資料義務,並向彼此提供相關資料處理活動的必要訊息。
As controllers, MOC and MBAG are obliged to provide data subjects with information about the processing pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 GDPR. This includes, in particular, purposes and legal bases of the processing of personal data, recipients of personal data, the duration of processing and transfers to third countries. The controllers support each other in fulfilling the information obligations and provide each other with the necessary information on the relevant data processing activities.
b. 資料主體權利 Data subject right:
在台灣賓士和 Mercedes-Benz AG 之間的關係中,台灣賓士負責向資料主體提供有關共同控管的基本內容以及根據 GDPR 第 12 條至第 22 條的資料主體權利的訊息(例如訪問、更正、刪除等)。
In the relationship between MOC and MBAG, MOC is responsible for providing the data subjects with information about the essential contents of the joint controllership and the rights of data subjects pursuant to Articles 12 - 22 GDPR (e.g. access, correction, erasure).
c. 資料義務 Information obligations:
作為控管者,Mercedes-Benz AG 和 Mercedes-Benz AG 資融集團有義務根據 GDPR 第 13 條和第 14 條向資料主體提供有關處理的訊息,包括個人資料處理目的和法律基礎、個人資料接收者、處理的持續時間及傳輸到第三個國家的情況等。控管者相互支援以履行資料義務,並向彼此提供相關資料處理活動的必要訊息。
As controllers, MBAG and MBM are obliged to provide data subjects with information about the processing pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 GDPR. This includes, in particular, purposes and legal bases of the processing of personal data, recipients of personal data, the duration of processing and transfers to third countries. The controllers support each other in fulfilling the information obligations and provide each other with the necessary information on the relevant data processing activities.
d. 資料主體權利 Data subject rights:
在 Mercedes-Benz AG 和 Mercedes-Benz AG 資融集團之間的關係中,Mercedes-Benz AG 負責向資料主體提供有關共同控管的基本內容以及根據 GDPR 第 12 條至第 22 條的資料主體權利的訊息(例如訪問、更正、刪除等)。
In the relationship between MBAG and MBM, MBAG is responsible for providing data subjects with information about the essential contents of the joint controllership and the rights of data subjects pursuant to Articles 12 - 22 GDPR (e.g. access, correction, erasure).
5. 資料主體類別 Categories of data subjects
Unknown website visitors
6. 資料分類 Types of personal data
a. 服務器日誌文件
b. 點擊資料
Clickstream Data
c. 在線識別功能
Online identification features
d. 地理位置資料
Geo-location data
e. 付款訊息
Payment information
No special categories of personal data
版權所有 Copyright
2013 - 2025 版權為 Mercedes-Benz AG 所有。
本網站所有內容,包括但不限於文字、肖像、圖表、音樂、動畫文件、錄影及所有經 Mercedes-Benz AG 所策劃置於網站上之內容均為著作權及其他智慧財產權所保護。您不得對本網站內容基於商業用途或發行之目的進行複製,亦不得修改或轉載至其他網站。有些 Mercedes-Benz 所屬網站上的部分內容著作權仍歸原提供者所有。
Copyright 2013-2025 Mercedes-Benz AG. Copyright Mercedes-Benz AG. All Rights Reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on Mercedes-Benz Internet sites are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other web sites, apps or other digital content (hereinafter “Digital Offerings”). Some Mercedes-Benz Digital Offerings also contain material that is subject to the copyright rights of their providers.
智慧財產權 Intellectual Property
When using this website, the intellectual property (in particular copyrights, trademark, name and patent rights) of the Mercedes-Benz Group or third parties must be respected. Accessing the website does not grant any license or usage rights to the respective intellectual property of the Mercedes-Benz Group or third parties.
預測性表述 Forward-looking statements
This website contains forward-looking statements that reflect our current views about future events. The words “anticipate,” “assume,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” ”can,” “could,” “plan,” “project,” “should” and similar expressions are used to identify forward-looking statements.
• 全球經濟形勢的不利發展,特別是我們最重要的銷售市場需求下降,
• 信貸和金融市場上再融資之可能性惡化,
• 不可抗力事件,例如自然災害、流行病疫情、恐怖主義行為、政治動盪、武裝衝突、工業事故及其對我們的
• 匯率、關稅和國際貿易規定的變化,
• 轉向小型且利潤低的車輛之消費者行為變化,或可能對我們的產品和服務的接受度下降,限制了我們實現價格和
• 燃油、原物料和能源的價格上漲;由於材料或能源短缺、罷工或供應商破產而致生產中斷,
• 二手車轉售價格下降,
• 有效實施降低成本和優化效率的措施,
• 持有大量股權公司的業務前景,
• 戰略合作和合資企業的成功,
• 法律、法規和政府政策的更改,特別是與車輛排放、油耗值和安全性相關修正,
• 解決未決的政府調查或政府要求的調查,以及結束未決或未來可能面臨的法律程序
• 及其他風險和不確定性,其中包含在本年度「風險和機會報告」之內容。
These statements are subject to many risks and uncertainties, including:
• An adverse development of global economic conditions, in particular a decline of demand in our
most important markets;
• A deterioration of our refinancing possibilities on the credit and financial markets;
• Events of force majeure including natural disasters, pandemics, acts of terrorism, political unrest,
armed conflicts, industrial accidents and their effects on our sales, purchasing, production or
financial services activities;
• Changes in currency exchange rates, customs and foreign trade provisions;
• A shift in consumer preferences towards smaller, lower-margin vehicles; a possible lack of acceptance of our
products or services which limits our ability to achieve prices and adequately utilise our production capacities;
• Price increases for fuel, raw materials or energy; disruption of production due to shortages of materials or
energy, labour strikes or supplier insolvencies;
• A decline in resale prices of used vehicles;
• The effective implementation of cost-reduction and efficiency-optimisation measures;
• The business outlook for companies in which we hold a significant equity interest;
• The successful implementation of strategic cooperations and joint ventures;
• Changes in laws, regulations and government policies, particularly those relating to vehicle emissions,
fuel economy and safety;
• The resolution of pending governmental investigations or of investigations requested by governments and the
outcome of pending or threatened future legal proceedings;
• And other risks and uncertainties, some of which are described under the heading
“Risk and Opportunity Report” in the latest Annual Report.
If any of these risks and uncertainties materialises or if the assumptions underlying any of our forward-looking statements prove to be incorrect, the actual results may be materially different from those we express or imply by such statements.
We do not intend or assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements since they are based solely on the circumstances at the date of publication.
產品變動 Products
Mercedes-Benz 網站上某些特定産品資訊、圖解和影像說明可能會因不同國家而有差異。爲了滿足當地市場需求或法律的規定,在不同國家可能只會獲取部分不同規格或配件的資訊。如果您對本網站上展示的任一個車型、烤漆、選配零件或精品感興趣,或者您並無法確定是否合用或能否經由您所在地經銷商購得,您可以與 Mercedes-Benz 及(或)其當地授權經銷商聯繫,藉以了解當地最新的詳細訊息。
本網站提供之圖片、價格及數據僅供參考,實際車輛配備及售價,敬請洽詢 Mercedes-Benz 各展示中心。(本公司保留對車輛出售與否及其內容記載變更之權利)。
Changes to products and services may have occurred after the copy deadline for individual pages. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in the design or form, deviations in color, and changes to the scope of delivery, work or services during the delivery period, in so far as the changes or deviations are reasonable for the customer, after due consideration of the interests of Mercedes-Benz. The illustrations may also contain accessories, optional extras or other equipment not included in the standard scope of delivery, work or services. Colors may differ slightly from those shown due to the limitations of the printing process. Individual pages may also contain models and services which are not offered in individual countries. Statements on legal and fiscal regulations and effects apply only to the Federal Republic of Germany.
價格 Prices
Unless provisions to the contrary are stated in our Terms & Conditions of sale and delivery, the prices valid on the day of delivery apply. The prices are suggested retail prices for our authorized retailers. Please therefore always ask a retailer or authorized retailer for the latest status.
商標 Trademarks
在 Mercedes-Benz 網站上所展示,包括車型名稱、公司標幟及標章等權利均屬 Mercedes-Benz 所有。
Unless indicated otherwise, all brand names shown on Mercedes-Benz websites are registered Mercedes-Benz trademarks. This especially applies to Mercedes-Benz model designations and all corporate logos and emblems.
許可權 License rights
Mercedes-Benz 已經完成一個創新和教育性的網站。我們希望您也像我們一樣熱心於這個創造性的努力。但是,您應瞭解,Mercedes-Benz 必須保護其智慧財產權,包括專利、商標和著作權。基此,我們僅敬告您,非但針對本網站的內容,同時也包括所有實質的產品,任何人都不得將 Mercedes-Benz 的智慧財產權以任何方法取得授權或授權給他人。
Mercedes-Benz has sought to achieve an innovative and informative internet site. We hope that you will be as enthusiastic as we are about this creative effort. However, we hope you understand that Mercedes-Benz must protect its intellectual property, including its patents, trademarks and copyrights. Accordingly, you are hereby on notice that neither this internet site, nor any material contained therein shall in any way grant or be taken to grant any person a license to Mercedes-Benz’s intellectual property.
前瞻性聲明的相關警告 Cautions regarding forward-looking statements
本網站包含的未來展望聲明係基於對 Mercedes-Benz 經營管理的信賴所作成。於本網站凡使用下列文字:「預料」、「相信」、「預估」、「期許」、「有意」、「計畫」及「規畫」等,係為該未來展望聲明作定義。該聲明乃反映出 Mercedes-Benz 對於未來發展以及可能的危機和不確定性的看法與觀點。
許多因素的產生,將可能造成最終的結果與原始規劃在實質上的不同與差異,包括經濟上以及商業條件上的改變,造成匯率及利率的改變;對競爭產品做介紹,然而欠缺對於新的產品或服務表現的接受度,造成商業策略的改變。Mercedes-Benz 謹此否認對於本未來展望聲明內容有任何更新的意願或義務。
Internet pages, investor relations releases, annual and interim reports, outlooks, presentations, audio and video files of events (live or recorded) and other documents on this website contain among other things forward-looking statements that reflect management's current views with respect to future events. The words "anticipate", "assume", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "plan,“ "project“, "should“ and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties. Examples may include an economic downturn in Europe or North America, changes in currency exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices, the launch of competing products, increased sales incentives, the successful implementation of the new business model for smart, delivery delays for production materials due to shortages of material, labor strikes or supplier insolvencies, and a decline in resale values of used vehicles. If any of these or other risks and uncertainties occur (some of which are described under the heading "Risk Report" in Mercedes-Benz's most recent Annual Report and under the heading "Risk Factors" in Mercedes-Benz’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission), or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove incorrect, then actual results may be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements. We do not intend or assume any obligation to continuously update any forward-looking statement, which solely reflects the circumstances on the day of publication.
免責事項 Liability
本網站內容是由 Mercedes-Benz 所提供,在法律所允許的範圍,本網站內容得以不作任何明示或默示的擔保,包括但不限於商場技巧的默示擔保、任何產品特定用途的適用性或侵權行為之可能性。經由本網站所連結的其他網站並非 Mercedes-Benz 可以控制,基此,我們無法對於任何連結網站的內容負責。Mercedes-Benz提供這些連結只為了讓您使用上方便,但並不表示 Mercedes-Benz 認所有與本網站相連結網站有關之產品或服務。
The information and data on these pages do not constitute any assurance or warranty, either expressly or implied. In particular, they do not constitute an implied assurance or warranty with respect to constituents, commercial viability, and suitability for specific purposes or compliance with legislation and patent protection.
Our internet pages also contain links to external sites. Please note that we have no influence on the design and content of the pages of any linked site. Consequently, neither are we able to guarantee that the information provided on the external website is up-to-date, correct, complete or of the required integrity. In view of this, we hereby disassociate ourselves from all contents of these websites. This declaration applies to all links on our website to external pages and their contents.
Mercedes-Benz Taiwan- 首頁
隱私權聲明 (線上預約系統)
PRIVACY STATEMENT for Online Appointment Scheduling
GDPR 所定義的控管者:
Controller as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
Mercedes-Benz AG 集團股份有限公司
Mercedesstr. 120
70372 Stuttgart
E-mail: dialog.mb@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz AG
Mercedesstr. 12070372 Stuttgart
E-mail: dialog.mb@mercedes-benz.com
台灣台北市松山區民生東路三段 129 號 13 樓
E-mail: csm_crm@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz Taiwan
13 F., No. 129, Mingsheng E. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei 105, Taiwan, R.O.CE-mail: csm_crm@mercedes-benz.com
Data Protection Officer:Mercedes-Benz AG
HPC E600, 70546 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: data.protection@mercedes-benz.com
Mercedes-Benz Group AG
Chief Officer for Corporate Data Protection
HPC E600, 70546 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: data.protection@mercedes-benz.com
1. 個人資料保護 Data Protection
感謝您訪問我們的網站並對我們提供的產品感興趣。 保護您的個人資料對我們來說非常重要。您可以在本隱私聲明中了解我們將如何蒐集您的個人資料、如何處理這些資料、我們目的和法律依據是什麼,以及您在此基礎上擁有哪些權利。您也可以參閱賓士的個人資料保護政策:賓士個人資料保護政策。
We appreciate you visiting our website and your interest in the products we offer. Protecting yourpersonal data is very important to us. In this privacy statement, we explain how we collect yourpersonal data, what we do with it, for what purposes and on what legal basis we do so, and what rightsyou have on that basis. We also refer you to the Mercedes-Benz Data Protection Policy: Mercedes-Benz Data Protection Policy.
本隱私聲明僅適用線上服務預約流程。 本預約網站的隱私聲明及賓士的個人資料保護政策不適用您可透過本網站上之連結所訪問的其他供應商或其他社群網站上的活動,請您至造訪供應商網站或社群網站檢視他們的個人資料保護條款。
This Privacy Statement applies exclusively to the process of online appointment scheduling. Ourprivacy statement for the use of our websites and the Mercedes-Benz Data Protection Policy do notapply to your activities on the websites of social networks or other providers that can be accessedusing the links on our websites. Please read the data protection provisions on the websites of thoseproviders.
The privacy statement below applies in addition to the privacy statement on use of our website andapp, which you have already consented to.
2. 蒐集和處理您的個人資料 Collecting and Processing Your Personal Data
安排線上服務預約時,您有兩種選擇:You have two options when scheduling an appointment online:
a. 您可以訪客身份在本網站上進行預約。You can book an appointment as a guest on our website.
b. 您可以使用 Mercedes-Benz 帳號進行預約。You can book an appointment with your Mercedes me account.
無論您是以訪客身分或使用您的 Mercedes-Benz 帳號安排預約,我們都會蒐集和處理您的個人資料。 如果您使用 Mercedes-Benz 帳號進行預約,您可能會看到預約欄位中自動帶入您的相關資料。
We will collect and process your personal data regardless of whether you schedule the appointmentas a guest or using your Mercedes me account. If you book an appointment using your Mercedes meaccount, you may see various input fields automatically prepopulated with your information.
If you book a service appointment using the online scheduling process, we will collect and process, inparticular, the following personal information belonging to you:
• 客戶主要資料 ─ 特別是姓名
Customer's master data – in particular, the customer's name
• 客戶聯繫資料 ─ 特別是地址、電話號碼和電子郵件
Contact data belonging to the customer – in particular, the customer's address, telephonenumber and e-mail address
• 車輛資料 ─ 特別是車輛識別碼 (VIN)、型號、車牌和里程數
Vehicle data – particularly, the vehicle identification number (VIN), model, license platenumber and kilometer reading
• 其他 ─ 您使用留言欄位發送給我們的其他資料
Any other data you send us using the comment field
You are neither legally nor contractually required to provide us with the data specified above.However, you will not be able to schedule a service appointment unless you enter and transmit thedata.
No automated decision-making or profiling will take place on the basis of the data transmitted.
3. 個人資料使用目的 Purpose of Use
When you book a service appointment online, your personal data will be used for the followingpurposes:
• 您的預訂完成後,您的資料將與選定的台灣賓士授權服務廠共享,以便他們安排和準備您的服務預約。
Once your reservation is completed, the data will be shared with select Mercedes-Benzpartners so they can schedule and prepare your service appointment.
• 比對您提供的車籍資料,以便在網頁上顯示出對應的服務及價格。
The services and prices offered will be matched with your vehicle so they can be displayed onthe scheduling page.
• 當您使用Mercedes-Benz 帳號進行線上預約時,系統將根據您提供的 VIN 與同步送出的 TAN 進行資料安全檢核,以提供您快速登入的功能。
It will enable simplified login based on your VIN (when booking via your Mercedes-Benz Account)and the associated sending of a TAN as a security feature.
• 系統將可依據您提供的資料自動帶入您偏好的授權服務廠提供的服務內容,您只需選擇服務日期即可完成預約。
It will enable simplified booking by prepopulating the scheduling page using an offer
b. 您的個人資料還可能會在產品開發、產品監控與安全、產品辯護與品質保證、風險與成本控制等目的中被使用。
Your data can also be processed for purposes of product development, product monitoring and safety,product defense and quality assurance as well as for risk and cost control.
賓士集團也將基於分析目的處理蒐集的個人資料,作為執行產品開發及改良(特別是車輛零件、車輛軟體或相關服務,如 Mercedes me connect)及系統與內部流程管理之一部分,以實現風險和成本控制、產品監管及安全暨品質保證。
Mercedes-Benz AG will also process the collected data for the purpose of analysis as part of thedevelopment and improvement of products (particularly vehicle parts, vehicle software and servicessuch as Mercedes me connect) as well as of internal processes and systems for the purpose of risk andcost control and purposes of product monitoring and safety and quality assurance.
Furthermore, Mercedes-Benz AG will use your data to conduct typical after-sales and businessanalytics evaluations (e.g. to verify the cost effectiveness of the services and products offered by MBAG or to determine how many products of a certain type have been sold in a country or to validate itspricing models).
為使賓士集團執行上述分析和評估,您的個人資料可能會與賓士集團已知悉之相關資料,如車輛型號、系列、功能、零組件,或與賓士集團出於相同目的所蒐集之個人資料相結合(如 Mercedes me connect、生產和交付資訊及 賓士集團提供之服務)。
To enable Mercedes-Benz AG to perform the described analyses and evaluations, your data may becombined with other information on the vehicle being serviced, its model, series, features, parts andcomponents already known to Mercedes-Benz AG as well as data collected by Mercedes-Benz AG forthe same purpose (e.g. Mercedes me connect, production and delivery information, plus servicesprovided by Mercedes-Benz AG).
The data transmitted may also be used by Mercedes-Benz AG in anonymized form for other purposesof processing – for example, statistics, business analyses and analyses of business and cost control,billing and product improvement in addition to improving our internal and sales processes. In thisinstance, it will no longer be possible to attribute the data to a specific individual.
Furthermore, Mercedes-Benz AG reserves the right to use the data to defend itself when facing claimsasserted against Mercedes-Benz AG or one of our affiliated companies by you or third parties on thebasis of a warranty, warranty rights or other (alleged) defect in our products or services (e.g. so thatwe can prove that a product was not defective, referred to as "product defense").
4. 向第三方揭露個人資料/提供服務提供商使用
Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties, Useof Service Providers
a. 我們透過資料處理單位(特別是Mercedes-Benz AG)執行服務。所有對這些單位揭露的個人資料都是在嚴格保密義務、GDPR 和德國聯邦個人資料保護法的標準下所進行。
We use processors (especially Mercedes-Benz AG) to perform our services. The disclosure of your data to theseorganizations takes place under strict confidentiality obligations and under the criteria of the GDPR and theGerman Federal Act on Data Protection.
b. 當您線上預訂服務時,您的個人資料也將與您選擇的賓士合作夥伴共享,以便為您的服務預約進行額外的規劃和準備。
If you book a service appointment online, your personal data will also be shared with your chosen Mercedes-Benz partner for additional planning and preparation for your service appointment.
5. 安全 Security
我們使用各種技術和組織安全措施,以保護我們管理的個人資料不被篡改、遺失、毀損或被未經授權之訪問。 我們持續不斷的依據最新的技術來改進我們的安全措施。
We take technical and organizational security measures in order to protect your information managed by us frombeing tampered with, lost, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized individuals. We are continuously improvingour security measures in line with technological advancements.
6. 個人資料處理的法律依據 Legal Bases for Data Processing
a. 我們蒐集和處理您的個人資料(詳見第 2 節),以建立合約關係並履行我們對您的合約義務(GDPR 第6 條第 1b 款)。
We collect and process your personal data described in more detail in section 2 in order to initiate a contractualrelationship and to fulfill our contractual obligations to you (Article 6, para. 1b, GDPR).
7. 刪除您的個人資料 Deleting Your Personal Data
當蒐集和處理您個人資料的目的達到時,我們會刪除您的個人資料。 超過此期間,個人資料儲存僅在我們須遵守的歐盟法規、其他歐盟法律規定或第三方國家/地區的法律規定(若該法律規定具有適當程度的個人資料保護規範)所要求的範圍內進行。 若有個人資料無法被刪除的情況,這些個人資料將被註記,並限制其被進一步處理。
We delete your personal information as soon as the purpose for which it was collected and processedhas been fulfilled. Beyond this time period, data storage only takes place to the extent made necessaryby the legislation, regulations or other legal provisions to which we are subject in the EU or by legalprovisions in third-party countries if these have an appropriate level of data protection. Should it notbe possible to delete the data in individual cases, the relevant personal data is flagged to restrict itsfurther processing.
8. 個人資料主體的權利 Rights of the Data Subject
a. 作為受個人資料處理影響的個人資料主體,您有以下權利:獲取資料(GDPR 第 15 條)、更正權(GDPR 第 16 條)、刪除權(GDPR 第 17 條)、限制處理權(GDPR 第 18 條)和可轉移權(GDPR 第 20 條) 。
As a data subject affected by data processing, you have the right to information (Article 15 GDPR),correction (Article 16 GDPR), deletion (Article 17 GDPR), restricted processing (Article 18 GDPR), anddata transferability (Article 20 GDPR).
b. 如果您曾經同意我們處理您的個人資料,您有權利隨時撤銷您的同意。 您的撤銷並不會影響在您的同意被撤銷前,我們處理您的個人資料的合法性,也不會影響我們在其他法律基礎上繼續處理您的個人資料,如履行法律義務(詳見“個人資料處理的法律依據”)。
If you have consented to the processing of your personal data by us, you have the right to revoke yourconsent at any time. Your revocation does not affect the legality of the processing of your personaldata that took place before your consent was revoked. It also has no effect on the continued processingof the information on another legal basis, such as to fulfill legal obligations (see section titled "LegalFoundation of Processing").
c. 反對權 Right to Object
您有權利隨時依據您個人狀況,根據GDPR 第 6 條第1e 款(符合公共利益的個人資料處理)或GDPR 第 6 條第 1f 款(基於利益考量的個人資料處理)所蒐集、處理的與您有關的個人資料提出反對。如果您提出反對,只有當我們能夠證明我們有超越您的利益、權利和自由的強制性合法理由,或處理您的個人資料為行使或反駁法律主張時,我們才會繼續處理您的個人資料。 如果我們基於合法利益處理您的個人資料且用於直接行銷時,您亦有權隨時反對,且無需理由。
For reasons relating to your particular situation, you have the right to file an objection at any time tothe processing of personal data pertaining to you that is collected under Art. 6, para. 1e, of the GDPR(data processing in the public interest) or Art. 6, para. 1f, of the GDPR (data processing based on aconsideration of interests). If you file an objection, we will continue to process your personal data onlyif we can document mandatory, legitimate reasons that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms,or if processing is for the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims. If we process your personaldata for direct marketing based on legitimate interests, you also have the right to object at any timewithout giving reasons.
d. 如果可能,請將您的要求或聲明發送至以下郵件地址:csm_crm@mercedes-benz.com。
If possible, please direct your claims or declarations to the following contact address:csm_crm@mercedes-benz.com.
e. 如果您認為您的個人資料之處理違反法律要求,您有權向負責監管機構提出申訴(GDPR 第77 條)。
If you feel that the processing of your personal data is in breach of legal requirements, you have theright to file a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority (Art. 77 of the GDPR).